Legal information
This site is published by Sogecap, for the needs of Sogessur and Antarius.
Societe Generale Assurances is the commercial brand of Sogecap, Sogessur and Antarius.
Limited liability life insurance and capitalisation company with capital of 1,263,556,110 euros.
Company registered in the RCS of Nanterre under the identification number 086 380 730
Head Office: Tour D2 - 17 bis lace des Reflets - 92919 Paris La Défense Cedex
Company governed by the Insurance Code
OBA Number: 6511Z – Life Insurance
VAT N° : FR09086380730
ADEME Number : FR231725_01YSGB
Legal representative: Philippe PERRET, Chief Executive Officer
Publication manager: Philippe PERRET
Editorial manager: Frédéric SALAÜN
Customer Relations Department:
Limited liability company with capital of 33,825,000 euros.
Business registered in the Nanterre RCS under the identification number 379 846 637
Head Office: Tour D2 - 17 bis place des Reflets - 92919 Paris La Défense Cedex
Company governed by the Insurance Code
OBA Number: 6512Z – Other Insurance
VAT N° : FR25379846637
ADEME Number : FR231725_01YSGB
Legal representative: Ingrid BOCRIS, Chief Executive Officer
Publication manager: Ingrid BOCRIS
Editorial manager: Frédéric SALAÜN
Customer Relations Department:
Limited liability life insurance company with capital of 514,060,000 euros.
Company registered in the RCS of Nanterre under the identification number 402 630 826
Head Office: Tour D2 - 17 bis lace des Reflets - 92919 Paris La Défense Cedex
Company governed by the Insurance Code
OBA Number: 6511Z – Life Insurance
VAT N° : FR09086380730
ADEME Number : FR231725_01YSGB
Legal representative: Ingrid BOCRIS, Chief Executive Officer
Publication manager: Ingrid BOCRIS
Editorial manager: Frédéric SALAÜN
Customer Relations Department:
Professional Regulation
Sogecap and Antarius are concerned with life insurance operations and generally all operations involving commitments in which the life expectancy occurs, as well as capitalisation operations.
They can may process all transactions related to life insurance and capitalisation transactions within the limits of the regulations in force, including reinsurance transactions, as well as all commercial, financial, transferable or real estate transactions, relating directly or indirectly to the social object and likely to facilitate its development or realization.
Sogecap may, in addition, carry out any other insurance, financing and management operations on behalf of others, which life insurance and capitalisation companies are or would be authorized to carry out.
Sogessur is an insurance company under French law authorized to carry out non-life insurance operations for the administrative branches (Article R. 321-1 of the French Insurance Code): 1 - Accidents, 2- Sickness -3 - Bodies of land vehicles, 7 - Goods Transported, 8 - Fire and Natural Features, 9 - Other Property Damage, 10 - Motor Vehicle Civil Liability, 11 - Air vehicle civil liability, 12 - Civil liability for maritime, lake and river vehicles, and 13 - General Liability, 14a) General Insolvency Credit, 15 - Bail, 16 - Miscellaneous Monetary Losses - 17 - Legal Protection and 18 - Assistance.
Sogessur has for object in France and in all countries:
- All insurance and reinsurance operations, fire, accidents, damages, civil liability and other risks, on its own or on behalf of others;
- All insurance transactions authorized by the laws and regulations of the country in which the business is carried on, both directly and through any establishment, branch, subsidiary, agency, office, legal person of any kind and any other form of representation or activity;
- In the course of carrying out the above mentioned activities, direct or indirect participation in all undertakings, in particular through the creation of new companies, contributions, sponsorships, subscriptions, purchases or exchanges of securities or social rights, merger, alliance or joint venture or otherwise, acquisition, management, operation, leasing, leasing, development of all movable or immovable property and rights;
- All ancillary or related operations, and generally all financial, commercial, industrial, civil, transferable and immovable property which may be directly or indirectly connected with one of the specified objects or with any similar or related object or of such a nature as to promote their development.
Sogecap, Sogessur and Antarius are subject to control by the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR), 4 place de Budapest - CS 92459 - 75436 Paris Cedex 09
Contents of this website
Sogecap, Sogessur and Antarius shall make every effort to ensure that the information published on this site is accurate and up to date and reserves the right to correct the content at any time without notice. However, they cannot guarantee that the information is complete or that it has not been modified by a third party (intrusion, virus). Sogecap declines all responsibility in the event of difficulty or impossibility of accessing the site due to an Internet connection problem.
Sogecap cannot be held responsible for elements beyond its control and for any damage that may be caused by the technical environment of users of this site, in particular computers, software, network equipment (modems, telephones, etc.) and any equipment used to access or use the service and/or the information.
The content of this site is for information purposes only. The information contained in this site cannot be considered as a public offer, a solicitation or a marketing by Sogecap, Sogessur and Antarius to the users of the site.
Intellectual Property
This entire website is governed by French and international legislation on copyright, trademark and database law and intellectual property in general, both as they are applicable to its form (editorial choices, layout, topics, means for accessing data, display, etc.), and to its content (text, images, etc.). Any reproduction, representation, diffusion or re-diffusion, in whole or in part, of the contents of this website on any medium or by any means whatsoever (including, but not limited to, caching, framing), as well as any sale, resale, retransmission or any other act tending to make such contents available to any third party in any manner whatsoever shall be prohibited, except preliminary written authorization of the publication manager. Failure to comply with these restrictions shall constitute a forgery engaging the civil and criminal liability of the forger.
Only the paper reproduction is authorized under conditions of a use in strictly personal purposes, a respect for the integrity of the reproduced documents, or in short quotation with clear and readable mention of the source, for example under the following form "Extracts from the site All rights reserved Societe Generale Assurances group."
The trademarks quoted on the site are protected: their reproduction or use is forbidden.
Hypertext links: Sogecap cannot be held responsible for hypertext links to other sites, particularly as regards the content of these sites.
Sogecap is not responsible for the hypertext links pointing to the present site.
Personal data
To find out more about Societe Generale Assurances personal data protection policy, visit
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1 Quai Marcel Dassault, 92150 Suresnes.
Telephone number: +33141448584. This site is governed by French law.